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Chaidh an ceòl air feadh na fìdhle!

All hell broke loose!

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Uill, chaidh a’ bhile fa chomhair na Pàrlamaid an–diugh, agus chunnaic sinn pìos beag eachdraidh! Well, the bill went before Parliament today, and we saw a little piece of history!
‘S e urram—agus spòrs—a bha ann, gun teagamh sam bith. It was an honour—and fun, without any doubt whatsoever.
Am faca tu an dithis a chaidh a–mach air a chèile san t–Seòmar? Did you see the two who fell out with each other in the Chamber?
Chunnaic! Chaidh an ceòl air feadh na fìdhle! Cò air a bha iad a–mach? I did (see)! All hell broke loose! What were they on about?
Chan eil fhios ’am, ach bha iad am bad a chèile fad an fheasgair I don’t know, but they were arguing all afternoon!
An e Pàrtaidh Làbarach na h–Alba no Pàrtaidh Tòraidheach na h–Alba a bh’ ann? Was it the Scottish Labour Party or the Scottish Conservative Party?
Saoilidh mise gur e tè bho Phàrtaidh Uaine na h–Alba agus fear bho Phàrtaidh Nàiseanta na h–Alba a bh’ ann! I think it was a woman from the Scottish Green Party and a man from the Scottish National Party!
Cha robh guth air Pàrtaidh Libearalach Deamocratach na h–Alba. Feumaidh gun robh iadsan modhail! There was no mention of the Scottish Liberal Democratic Party! They must have been well–behaved!
Ist! Seall! Sin iad fa do chomhair! Shoosh! Look! There they are in front of you!
Oich! Feumaidh sinn falbh co–dhiù. Càit am faigh sinn tagsaidh? Oops/Oh dear! We’ll have to leave anyway. Where can we get a taxi?
Ma thèid thu a–mach às a’ phrìomh dhoras bidh sreath dhiubh a’ feitheamh fa chomhair an togalaich. If you go out of the main door there will be a line of them waiting in front of the building.
Thugainnibh, a chàirdean! Gheibh sinn biadh math agus faodaidh sinn deasbad mu dheidhinn cò am fear no an tè againn a bhios a’ seasamh aig an ath thaghadh! Let’s go, friends! We’ll get a good meal and we can debate about which one of us will stand at the next election!