There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Fa chomhair na Pàrlamaid (Before Parliament). Let’s look at some of them again in context.
fa chomhair na Pàrlamaid
before Parliament
an dithis a chaidh a–mach air a chèile san t–Seòmar
the two who fell out with each other
Chaidh an ceòl air feadh na fìdhle!
All hell broke loose!/The cat went among the pigeons! (lit. the music went through the fiddle!)
Cò air a bha iad a–mach?
What were they on about?
bha iad am bad a chèile
they were arguing
Pàrtaidh Làbarach na h–Alba
the Scottish Labour Party
Pàrtaidh Tòraidheach na h–Alba
the Scottish Conservative Party
Pàrtaidh Uaine na h–Alba
the Scottish Green Party
Pàrtaidh Nàiseanta na h–Alba
the Scottish National Party
Pàrtaidh Libearalach Deamocratach na h–Alba
the Scottish Liberal Democratic Party
fa do chomhair
in front of you/opposite you
a–mach às a’ phrìomh dhoras
out of the main door
fa chomhair an togalaich
in front of the building
We’ll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.