There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Cànan foirmeil is neo–fhoirmeil (Formal and informal language). Let’s look at some of them again in context.
unanimous (of one voice)
gnothach na pàrlamaide
the parliamentary business
baidean dhaoine
a small group of people
a’ togail fianais
aithris naidheachdan
a news report
tòrr fiosrachaidh oifigeil sa Ghàidhlig
a lot of official information in Gaelic
ann an teis–meadhan Dhùn Èideann
in the centre of Edinburgh
achd Gàidhlig aig Westminster
a Gaelic act at Westminster
Bile nan Cànanan Albannach
the Scottish Languages Bill
inbhe oifigeil
official status
Achd na Gàidhlig (Alba)
Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act
sgìrean sònraichte Gàidhlig
special Gaelic areas (areas of linguistic significance)
We’ll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.