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Cuspair connspaideach?

A controversial topic?

Tha poilitigs na chuspair mòr cudromach eile, a dh’fhaodas a bhith connspaideach agus gu tric a dh’adhbharaicheas deasbadan agus argamaidean.

Politics is another big and important topic, which can be controversial and often causes debates and arguments.

Ach a dh’aindeoin ‘s nach biodh ùidh agad sa chuspair, cha ghabhadh poilitigs seachnadh.

But even if you were not interested in the subject, politics couldn’t be avoided.

Bidh poilitigs a’ bualadh air gach raon de ar beatha ge b’ oil leinn, eadar cìsean, peinnseanan, seirbheisean poblach, foghlam, an eaconamaidh, atharrachadh na gnàth–shìde, agus àm ri teachd na dùthcha.

Politics affects every area of our lives, whether we like it or not, including taxes, pensions, public services, education, the economy, climate change, and the future of the country.

Gu dearbh, ‘s e cuspair poilitigeach a th’ anns a’ Ghàidhlig, agus àm ri teachd a’ chànain gu mòr an eisimeil air na còmhraidhean, deasbadan agus argamaidean mu a deidhinn.

Indeed, Gaelic is a political subject, and the future of the language is very much dependent on the discussions, debates and arguments about it.

Tha poilitigs cudromach a thaobh na taice a tha a’ Ghàidhlig a’ faighinn, agus a thaobh a’ chroin a bhios poileasaidhean nan riaghaltasan a’ dèanamh oirre.

Politics is important in terms of the support that Gaelic receives, and in terms of the damage (harm) that the governments’ policies do to it.

Gheibhear tòrr fiosrachaidh oifigeil sa Ghàidhlig an–dràsta, ach gheibhte barrachd nam biodh achd Gàidhlig aig Westminster, mar a tha ann airson na Cuimris.

A lot of official information in Gaelic is available at the moment, but more would be available if there were a Gaelic Act at Westminster, as there is for Welsh.

Tha poilitigs, air dòigh air choreigin, an lùib gach cuspair eile nar beatha.

Politics, in one way or another, is involved in every other aspect (subject) of our lives.

a dh’aindeoin

despite, nevertheless

an eisimeil air

dependent on

ge b’ oil le

in spite of, despite, in the face of/regardless of

an lùib

along with, involved with

Complete these sentences with your own ideas/opinions. There may be many answers for each question!

Nuair a bhios mi a’ smaoineachadh mu phoilitigs, bidh mi a’ faireachdainn ….

When I think about politics, I feel ….

An ceann còig bliadhna eile tha mi an dòchas gum bi …

In five years’ time I hope that ….

Bidh deasbadan sa phàrlamaid a’ toirt orm a bhith …

Debates in (the) Parliament make me ….

Saoilidh mise gu bheil e cudromach gum bi …

I think that it’s important that ….