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Complete for 2 points

An e sin am BPA Sgìreil no am BPA Roinneil agad?

Take two: Is that your Constituency MSP or Regional MSP?

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Tha a’ chuairt gus tòiseachadh a h–uile duine! Greas ort, Fhionnlaigh, no bidh sinn anmoch! The tour is about to start everyone! Hurry up, Finlay, or we’ll be late!
Cùirt? Anmoch? Cà’ il sinn a’ dol a–rithist? Court? Late? Where are we going again?
‘S e cuairt a thuirt i! Chuir Anna air dòigh turas mun cuairt Pàrlamaid na h–Alba dhuinn! Nach robh thu a’ toirt an aire roimhe—madainn an–diugh? Tour is what she said! Anna organised a tour of the Scottish Parliament for us! Weren’t you paying attention before—this morning?
Och, bha! Sgoinneil! Bha mi riamh a’ miannachadh sin a dhèanamh. Tha mi airson faicinn mar a chuireas iad bile ri chèile agus mar a gheibh i sgrùdadh mus tèid i gu lagh. Ach, dìth ùine … Oh, I was! Great! I always wanted to do that. I want to see how they put together a bill and how it is scrutinised before going into law. However, lack of time …
Uill, a bhalaich, tha sinn gann de dh’ùine an–diugh! Chunnaic mi am BPA againn a’ dol seachad an-ceartuair agus bha mi airson ‘s gum bruidhneadh i rinn cuideachd, nam biodh ùine aice. Well, son, we’re running out of time today! I saw our MSP passing by just now and I wanted her to talk to us too, if she had time.
An e sin am BPA Sgìreil no am BPA Roinneil agad? Is that your Constituency MSP or Regional MSP?
‘S i am BPA a bhios a’ riochdachadh na sgìre–phàrlamaid againn. ‘S urrainn do dhaoine pàirt a ghabhail anns na comataidhean. Mar sin chunnaic is chuala mise i an–uiridh air–loidhne aig coinneamh comataidh agus nach i a bha toinisgeil is gleusta! She’s the MSP representing our constituency. People can participate in the committees. And so I saw and heard her last year online at a committee meeting and she was just so clever and smart!
‘S aithne dhomh an tè ud. Chuala mi òraid dhrùidhteach sa Ghàidhlig a thug i seachad san t–Seòmar agus bha an deasbad às a dèidh nas fheàrr na spòrs a chunnacas air an telebhisean! I know that one. I heard an impressive speech in Gaelic she gave in the Chamber and the discussion after it was better than any sport seen on television!
Agus ‘s e spòrs a th’ ann, dhomhsa co–dhiù, a bhith a’ coimhead beò air–loidhne, gu h–àraidh feasgar Diardaoin nuair a bhios Ceistean dhan Phrìomh–mhinisteir san t–Seòmar. Bidh ceistean is freagairtean a’ dol air ais is air adhart mar gheama teanais. And it’s fun, for me anyway, to watch live online, especially on Thursday afternoons when there is First Minister’s Questions in the Chamber. Questions and answers go back and forth like a tennis match.
Uill, tha e nas fheàrr na Ceistean dhan Phrìomhaire ann an Taigh nan Cumantan ann an Lunnainn. ‘S e fìor bhùrach a bhios a sin, mar as trice, le Buill–phàrlamaid a’ dèanamh dìmeas air càch a chèile. Bidh iad (uile) gu tric aig ugannan a chèile. Well, it’s better than Prime Minister’s Questions in the House of Commons in London. It’s a real mess, usually, with Members of Parliament disrespecting each other. They (all) are often at each other’s throats.
Cha chreid mi gur e spòrs a tha sin, ach sealg ma dh’fhaodte? Ach, a chàirdean, a bheil sinn deiseil? I don’t think that’s sport (fun), but perhaps hunting? But, friends, are we ready?
Nach eil fhios gu bheil. Bhiodh e sgoinneil nam biodh gluasad is bhòtaichean ann cuideachd. Am faod sinn a dhol suas gu gailearaidh a’ phobaill gus am faic sinn deasbad? Of course we are. It would be great if there were a motion and votes as well. Can we go up to the public gallery to see a debate?
Faodaidh gu dearbh. Tha mi air tiocaidean a chur air dòigh airson sin mar–thà. Nise, thugainnibh! Of course you can. I have already arranged tickets for that. Now, come on!