
Topic Introduction
A' faighneachd cò às a tha thu
Asking where you are from
Section 1
Ag innse cò às a tha thu
Saying where you are from
Section 2
Barrachd cheistean
More questions
Section 3
A’ faighneachd càit a bheil cuideigin a’ fuireach
Asking where someone lives
Section 4
Ceistean mu àiteachan-fuirich
Questions about places of residence
Section 5
Section 6
Àitichean - Dèanta!
Places - Dèanta!
Section 7
Topic 2 Àitichean Places
Taghta (Splendid)! Let’s develop your basic conversational skills a little bit more and ask others where they are from and where they live and be able to reply to them when they ask you!
You’ll learn how to:
- ask and answer simple questions about where I am from
- ask and answer simple questions about where someone is from
- ask and answer simple questions about where I live
- ask and answer simple questions about where someone lives
You’ll also learn about:
- European countries
- Scottish towns and cities