Look at Norman
Seall air Tormod
Let’s have a look at this conversation. By the end of this short section, you will be able to have this conversation!
Bithibh sàmhach! Trobhadaibh an seo!
Be quiet! Come here!
Fhionnlaigh! Dè do chor?
Finlay! How’s your form?
Tha mi ann an droch chor! Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil tòrr dhràibhearan dona air an rathad an-diugh. Tha iad uile às an ciall!
I am in bad form. I think there are lots of bad drivers on the road today. They are all off their heads!
Bha iad uile a’ dràibheadh ro luath. Thuirt mi riutha “Bithibh faiceallach is bithibh modhail!” ach cha robh duine sam bith ag èisteachd rium.
They were all driving too fast. I told them “Be careful and courteous!“ but no one was listening to me.
O, chan eil sin ro mhath!
Oh, that’s not too good!
Seallaibh seo! Tha peataichean ùra agam an seo! Tha nathraichean, radanan, cailleach-oidhche agus coineanach anns a’ chàr a tha seo.
Look here! I have new pets here! This car contains snakes, rats, an owl and a rabbit.
Fhionnlaigh! Càit an d’ fhuair thu na peataichean seo?
Finlay! Where did you get these pets?
Anns an Eilean Sgitheanach, bho dhuine gasta ann an Dùn Bheagain.
In Skye, from a kind man in Dunvegan.
An do ghoid thu na peataichean seo?
Did you steal these pets?
Na bithibh mì-mhodhail! Cha do ghoid! ’S e boireannach dona a th’ annaibh!
Don’t be cheeky! I did not steal! You are a bad woman!
Èist, bha aithris air an rèidio. Tha am poileas a’ lorg duine coltach riut leis na peataichean seo!
Listen, there was a report on the radio. The police are looking for a man like you with these pets!
Fuirich mionaid, Iain. Bha iad uile daor! Tha mi cho bochd ri radan eaglais! Aw coimhead air Tormod, an nathair. Nach eil e laghach? Ith seo, m’ eudail.
Wait a minute, John. They were all expensive! I am as poor as a church rat! Aw look at Norman, the snake. Isn’t he nice? Eat this, my darling.
Chan eil gu dearbh! Cùm Tormod air falbh bhuam!
He certainly is not! Keep Norman away from me!
Siuthad, a Thormoid. Na èist rithe.
There you go, Norman. Don’t listen to her.
Bi faiceallach leis an rud a tha sin!
Be careful with that thing!
Bithibh modhail. Na bruidhinnibh ris mar sin!
Be polite. Don’t talk to him like that!
Stadaibh is fuirichibh far a bheil sibh! Tha sibh againn a-nise!
Stop and stay where you are! We have you now!
Dè rinn thu, Fhionnlaigh?
What did you do, Finlay?