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Out and About

Complete for 2 points

Take two: Am faod mi suidhe an seo?

Take two: May I sit here?

Let’s have a look at this conversation again.

Fàilte, Anna! Fàilte, Iain! Welcome, Anne! Welcome, John!
Am faod mi an càr agam a chur dhan gharaids agad? May I put my car in your garage?
Faodaidh, gu dearbh. You may indeed.
Am faod mi am baidhsagal agam fhàgail an àiteigin? May I leave my bike somewhere?
Faodaidh. Faodaidh tu am baidhsagal agad fhàgail sa phoirdse. You may. You may leave your bike in the porch.
Am faod mi suidhe an seo? May I sit here?
Faodaidh gu dearbh. Dèan suidhe! You may indeed. Have a seat.
Am faod mi tighinn a-steach? May I come in?
Faodaidh gu dearbh. An cuir thu dhìot do chòta agus do bhrògan, mas e do thoil e? You may indeed. Will you take off your coat and your shoes, please?
Cuiridh. I will (take off).
Nach fhaod mi deoch fhaighinn dhut, Anna? Can’t I get you a drink, Anne?
Faodaidh gu dearbh. Gabhaidh mi fìon dearg, mas e do thoil e. You may. I’ll have a red wine please.
Thig a-steach dhan t-seòmar-suidhe, Iain. Come in to the sitting-room, John.
Tapadh leat. Ach am faod mi an taigh-beag agad a chleachdadh an toiseach? Thank you. But may I use your toilet first?
Chan fhaod, gu mì-fhortanach. Tha cuideigin a-staigh mar-thà. O, fuirich mionaid! Seo e a’ tighinn a-mach. Faodaidh tu an taigh-beag a chleachdadh a-nis! You may not, unfortunately. There is someone in already. Oh, hang on a minute! Here he is coming out. You may use the toilet now!
Tapadh leat! Thank you!