Take two: It's good and it's good for you!

An dàrna turas: Tha e math 's math dhut

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Bha am pàrtaidh math, ach tha ceann goirt orm. Cha do dh'ith mi dinnear a-raoir mus deach sinn a-mach.

The party was good, but I have a sore head. I didn't have dinner/tea last night before we went out.

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Nach eil thu ag iarraidh bracaist? Uill 's e lòn a bhios ann a-nis. 'S fheàirrde thu biadh!

Don't you want breakfast? Well, it'll be lunch now. Some food would do you good!

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'S fheàirrde mi deoch uisge!

A drink of water would do me good!

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Bracaist mhòr Albannach! Uighean agus isbeanan, agus feòil gu leòr: hama, marag dhubh à Steòrnabhagh, taigeis, a chionn 's gur e am Faoilleach a th' ann, agus ... tha mi a' dèanamh tost le ìm agus silidh. Agus poit mhòr teatha. Tha e math 's math dhut!

A big Scottish breakfast (full Scottish!). Eggs and sausages, plenty of meat: bacon, Stornoway black pudding, haggis, because it's January, and ... I'm making toast with butter and jam. And a big pot of tea. It's good and it's good for you!

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Och, 's e cus a tha sin. Agus 's e biadh mì-fhallain a tha sin. 'S fheàrr leam lite le salann - agus gun siùcar! Cha toil leam mìlsean no rud sam bith a tha milis, ach measan: bananathan, ùbhlan, orainsearan is dearcan de gach seòrsa.

Ach, that's too much. And that's unhealthy food. I prefer porridge with salt - without sugar! I don't like dessert or anything that's sweet, except for fruit: bananas, apples, oranges and all kinds of berries

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Uill, na làithean seo, tha iad ag ràdh nach eil feòil agus uighean, ìm is bainne is uachdar is càise dona dhut. Nach e sin am biadh fallain? Nach cuala tu mu dheidhinn Keto?

Well, these days, they say that meat and eggs, butter and milk and cream and cheese are not bad for you. Isn't that the healthy food? Haven't you heard of Keto?

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B’ àill leibh? Ceitidh?

Pardon? Katy?

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Aidh, chuala mi mu dheidhinn [osna]. Ach, 's fheàirrde mise - agus 's fheàrr leam - na rudan a tha math dhut: glasraich, currain, uinneanan, sailead, càl. 'S e sin biadh fallain.

Aye, I have heard about it [sigh]. But what would do me good - and what I prefer - are the things which are good for you: vegetables, carrots and onions, salad, cabbage/kale. That's the healthy food.

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Uill, cha tèid thu fada ceàrr le buntàta.

Well, you won't go far wrong with potatoes.

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A bheil thu a' tarraing asam? Tiops! Brisgeanan! Agus sliseagan às an àmhainn!

Are you kidding me? Chips! Crisps! Oven chips!

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Ach dè mu dheidhinn buntàta is sgadan, le salann is beagan ime?

But what about potatoes and herring, with a salt and a little bit of butter?

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Sin agad e! Cha tèid thu ceàrr leis a sin!

You've got it/There you have it! You won't go wrong with that!