Caraidean Ùra
New friends

New friends
Caraidean Ùra
Topic Introduction
Can halò anns a’ Ghàidhlig
Say hello in Scottish Gaelic
Section 1
Ag innse dè an t-ainm a tha ort
Saying your name
Section 2
A’ faighneachd ciamar a tha thu agus a’ freagairt na ceiste
Asking people how they are and replying to the question
Section 3
A’ faighneachd mu ainmean
Asking people's names
Section 4
A' cleachdadh ainmean
Greeting individuals
Section 5
Ag innse cò th' ann
Introducing others
Section 6
A’ faighneachd mu dhaoine eile
Asking about other people
Section 7
A’ toirt taing
Giving thanks
Section 8
Saying goodbye
Section 9
Caraidean Ùra - Dèanta!
New Friends - complete
Section 10
Topic 1 Caraidean Ùra New friends
It’s always nice to meet new friends and in this unit, we’ll explore how to tackle introducing yourself, and others, and have very simple conversations in Scottish Gaelic.
You’ll learn how to:
- Introduce yourself and others
- Ask and reply to “how are you?”
- Ask people their name and reply
- Address a specific friend
- Use greetings
You’ll also learn about:
- People's names
- Greetings
- Pronouns