Na h-Eileanan

Na h-Eileanan – Dèanta! The Islands - Dèanta!

Meal do naidheachd! | Congratulations!

You’ve earned 14693998 points

sg-star +14693998

Math fhèin!

You should now be confident in the following:

  • a’ bruidhinn mu chlàran‑ama nan aiseagan agus a’ planadh siubhail dha na h‑eileanan | discussing ferry timetables and planning travel to the islands
  • a’ bruidhinn mu amannan siubhail agus amannan fàgail | talking about journey times and departure times
  • a’ bruidhinn mu obair aig muir | talking about work at sea
  • a’ toirt iomradh air turas chun a’ chosta | describing a trip to the coast
  • a’ bruidhinn mu dheidhinn iasgach | talking about fishing


Next up: Ealain (Art)

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