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Dè th' ann an croitearachd?

What is crofting?

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This extract is taken from the website of Coimisean na Croitearachd (the Crofting Commission). You can find a fuller version of this definition on their page: Dè th’ ann an Croitearachd? (What is Crofting?)

Read the extract twice.

You’ll find some of the new vocabulary below. Gur math a thèid leat!

Chan e taigh a th’ ann an croit, ach talamh‑àitich air am bi daoine a’ cumail bheathaichean agus ag obrachadh na talmhainn. ‘S e siostam sònraichte do dh’Alba a th’ ann an croitearachd a chaidh a stèidheachadh ann an 1886 mar fhreagairt air na Fuadaichean. Thug croitearachd cead agus comas do dhaoine air a’ Ghàidhealtachd agus sna h‑Eileanan fuireach anns na coimhearsnachdan aca. Tha croitean gu h‑àbhaisteach timcheall air 5 heactairean agus tha dleastanasan air an neach aig a bheil a’ chroit a bhith a’ fuireach taobh a‑staigh 32 cileameatair den chroit agus a bhith ga h‑obrachadh. Faodaidh croitearan a’ chroit aca a thoirt seachad do chuideigin san teaghlach aca, no a‑nis a reic do chuideigin eile. Faodaidh croitear cuideachd an taigh‑croite a thoirt far na croite.

talamh àitich

arable land (m)

ag obrachadh na talmhainn

working the land (gen)

gu h-àbhaisteach (adv)


ga h-obrachadh

working it (fem)

dleastanas (air) (m)

duty, obligation (on)

toirt seachad


taigh croite (m)

croft house

far na croite

off of the croft

Ciamar a chaidh dhut? (How did you get on?)

Read the translation below.

A croft is not a house but talamh‑àitich (arable land) on which people keep animals and work the land. Crofting is a system unique to Scotland which was established in 1886 as a response to the (Highland) Clearances. Crofting gave people in the Highlands and Islands the permission and the power [ability] to stay in their (own) communities. Crofts are usually about five hectares and there are responsibilities [obligations] on the person who has the croft to live within 32 kilometres of the croft and to work it. Crofters can give their croft to someone in their family, or, now, sell to someone else. A crofter can also take the house off the croft (de‑croft).


A bheil thusa a’ fuireach air croit?

Do you live on a croft?

A bheil thu eòlach air duine sam bith aig a bheil croit?

Do you know someone who has a croft?

Ma thà, càit a bheil i?

If you do, where is it?

Cò ris a tha am beatha air a’ chroit coltach?

What is their life like on the croft?

Am bu toil leat a bhith ag obair air croit sa gheamhradh?

Would you like to work on a croft in the winter?

An còrdadh e riut a bhith ag obair le beathaichean?

Would you enjoy working with animals?