Complete for 2 points



The word coimhearsnachd (community) means something different to each person, but in the Islands coimhearsnachdan dùthchail (rural communities) are the biggest thing, and coimhearsnachdan are hugely important to people.

Crofting communities in the islands are the last communities where people routinely speak Gaelic. Remote (isolated) communities suffer from poor infrastructure, lack of employment opportunities and lack of housing, and so it’s difficult to retain the people [maintain the population].

dùthchail (adj)


bun-structair (m)


gu gnàthach (adv)


cothrom-obrach (m)

employment opportunity

iomallach (adj)


cion-taigheadais (m)

lack of housing

cion (m)

lack, shortage

a’ gleidheadh (vn)

preserving, maintaining

Why don’t you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic‑speaking/learning friend, you could do this together. If you don’t—no problem—you can have double the fun!

Have a conversation with a friend, or think about your community, and about the different communities you know.

Dè seòrsa coimhearsnachd anns a bheil thusa a’ fuireach?

In what kind of community do you live?

Dè na rudan matha mu choimhearsnachdan dùthchail agus bailteil?

What are the good things about rural communities and urban communities?

Dè b’ fheàrr leat fhèin?

Which would you prefer?