Complete for 2 points



There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Croitean is coimhearsnachdan (Crofts and communities). Let’s look at some of them again in context.

Bha thu a’ fuireach air croit

You lived on a croft

Bidh m’ athair fhathast ag obrachadh na croite.

My father still works the croft.

Càite bheil a’ chroit aige?

Where’s his croft?

Anns an Rubha

In Point

Ged is e fìor dheagh choimhearsnachd a th’ ann

Even though it’s a really good community

Tha a h-uile duine a’ cuideachadh a chèile

Everyone helps each other

Bidh mo bhràthair ‘s mi fhèin ga chuideachadh

My brother and I help him

Aig amannan sònraichte sa bhliadhna

At certain times of the year

Ciamar a bhios sibh ga chuideachadh?

How do you help him?

Bidh sinn a’ toirt taic dha as t-earrach

We help him in the spring

Aig àm breith nan uan

At lambing time

Air do chois tràth sa mhadainn

Up early in the morning

Air latha fuar earraich

On a cold spring day

Tha mi cleachdte ris

I’m used to it

Abair beatha chruaidh!

What a hard life!

A’ biadhadh a’ chruidh

Feeding the cattle

… gus an tig an samhradh

… until summer comes

Dè bhios sibh a’ dèanamh as t-samhradh?

What do you do in the summer?

A’ trusadh nan caorach

Gathering the sheep

A’ rùsgadh nan caorach

Shearing the sheep

Ag obair air a’ chroit

Working on the croft all the time?

Eadar dà bheatha agus dà shaoghal

But I’m between two lives and two worlds

Why don’t we add to our vocabulary?

croit (f)

a croft

àm rùsgaidh (m)

shearing time

breith nan uan

birth of the lambs

àm breith nan uan

lambing time

crodh (m)


cruidh (gen)

(of) cattle

caora (f)

a sheep

caoraich (pl)


a’ rùsgadhvnshearinga’ rùsgadh nan caorachshearing the sheep
a’ trusadhvngatheringa’ trusadh nan caorachgathering the sheep
a’ biadhadhvnfeedinga’ biadhadh a’ chruidhfeeing the cattle
a’ bleoghannvnmilkinga’ bleoghann na bàmilking the cow
   a’ bleoghann nam bòmilking the cows