Complete for 2 points

Eacarsaich chànain

Language exercise

Why don’t you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic‑speaking/learning friend, you could do this together. If you don’t—no problem—you can have double the fun!

Have a conversation about the sea and about the coast. Try to use the different cases. We’ve added some new words below and some questions to start you off.

traogh!vebb!, drain!a’ traoghadhvnebbing
sìolaidh!vsubside!a’ sìoladhvnsubsiding
tràigh!vebb!, empty!a’ tràghadhvnemptying
seòl!vsail!a’ seòladhvnsailing
trus!vgather!a’ trusadhvngathering
glac!vcatch!a’ glacadhvncatching

Càit a bheil an tràigh as fheàrr leat?

Where is your favourite beach?

An toil leat a bhith a’ coiseachd air an tràigh sin?

Do you like walking on the beach there?

Nuair nach eil thu ann am bi thu ag ionndrainn na tràghad?

When you’re not there do you miss the beach?

Am b’ fheàrr leat gainmheach no clachan air a’ chladach?

Would you prefer sand or stones on the shore?

An toil leat coiseachd air a’ ghainmhich?

Do you like walking on the sand?

An toil leat a bhith a’ faireachdainn na gainmhiche air do chasan?

Do you like feeling the sand on your feet?

An toil leat a’ mhuir?

Do you like the sea?

Am bi thu a’ snàmh anns a’ mhuir?

Do you like swimming in the sea?

An toil leat a bhith a’ cluinntinn na mara?

Do you like to hear the sea?