Complete for 2 points

Bratach an Eilein

The Island's flag

It’s important for us to listen to Gaelic as often as possible and that we use reading and listening resources at different levels, some of which are easy, and some which are challenging.

Why don’t you have a go at this task?

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Read this extract twice, and then answer the questions about the extract.

You’ll find some of the new vocabulary below. If you don’t understand any other words, try looking them up in your dictionary or the LearnGaelic faclair.

Chaidh a’ chiad bhratach oifigeil dhan Eilean Sgitheanach fhoillseachadh ann am Port Rìgh Diluain.

‘S e am Pàipear Beag, Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd agus am buidheann Skye Connect a bh’ air cùlaibh na h‑iomairt gus bratach a lorg.

‘S e Calum Alasdair Rothach, 9, à Cille Mhoire, a dhealbhaich a’ bhratach a bhuannaich.

Thuirt e gun robh a’ bhratach aige stèidhichte air eachdraidh is dualchas an eilein.

Chaidh an fharpais gus bratach a dhealbh a thòiseachadh anns an fhoghar an‑uiridh agus chaidh 369 bratach a chur air adhart—còrr air 200 aca bho chloinn na sgìre.

Chaidh sia a thaghadh le pannal agus fhuair am mòr‑shluagh cothrom bhòtadh dè an tè a b’ fheàrr leotha. Bhòt còrr air seachd mìle duine, tron phàipear no air‑loidhne.

Thuirt Deasaiche a’ Phàipeir Bhig, Keith MacCoinnich, gun robh e toilichte dha‑rìribh leis a’ bhrataich a bhuannaich ‑ agus gun deach uiread de bhrataichean a chur air adhart.

Thuirt Calum Alasdair gun robh e anabarrach toilichte gun do bhuannaich e.

Now read the translation!

The first official bratach (flag) of the Isle of Skye was revealed in Portree on Monday.

The West Highland Free Press, Highland Region and the organisation Skye Connect were behind the initiative to find a flag.

It is Calum Alasdair Rothach (Calum Alasdair Munro), 9, of Kilmuir, who designed the flag which won.

He said that his flag was based on the history and heritage of the island.

The competition to design the flag was started in autumn last year and 369 flags were put forward—more than 200 from the children of the area.

Six were chosen by a panel and the public were given a chance to vote for which one they preferred. More than seven thousand people voted, through the paper or online.

The Editor of the Free Press [the Wee Paper], Keith MacKenzie, that he was very pleased with the winning flag—and that so many flags were put forward.

Calum Alasdair said that he was extremely pleased that he won.

bratach (f)


stèidhichte (adj)

based, established

foillseachadh (m)

publishing, revealing

deasaiche (m)


Am Pàipear Beag

West Highland Free Press [lit. The Wee Paper]

anabarrach (adj)

extremely, excessively

Why not answer some questions about the passage?

Càit an deach a’ bhratach fhoillseachadh?

Where was the flag revealed?

Cò dhealbhaich a’ bhratach, cò às a tha e agus dè an aois a tha e?

Who designed the flag, where is he from and what age is he?

Dè thug beachd dha airson na brataich?

What gave him an idea for the flag?

Dè an obair a th’ aig Keith MacCoinnich?

What is Keith MacKenzie’s job?

Agus seo dhut na freagairtean!

Càit an deach a’ bhratach fhoillseachadh?

Port Rìgh


Cò dhealbhaich a’ bhratach, cò às a tha e agus dè an aois a bha e?

Calum Alasdair Rothach, 9, à Cille Mhoire

Calum Alasdair Rothach (Calum Alasdair Munro), 9, Kilmuir

Dè thug beachd dha airson na brataich?

Eachdraidh is dualchas an eilein

The history and heritage of the island

Dè an obair a th’ aig Keith MacCoinnich?

Deasaiche a’ Phàipeir Bhig

Editor of the [West Highland] Free Press