Complete for 2 points

Aig muir — Dèanta!

At sea – Dèanta!

You should now be confident about:

  • A’ falbh air bàta is aig muir | Away on a boat and at sea

You should also be confident about:

  • Riochdairean roimhearach le FO | Prepositional pronouns with FO
  • Àireamhan (a‑rithist): airgead agus tìde | Numbers (again): money and time
  • An tràth teachdail dàimheach le gnìomhairean riaghailteach is mì‑riaghailteach a‑rithist | The relative future tense with regular verbs and irregular verbs again

Sin thu fhèin!

You have learnt to talk about Aig muir (At sea) in Gaelic! Why not take this mini‑test to see how well you’re doing?

Let’s do it

Maybe later Loading

Why not move on to talk about Air an tràigh (On the beach)?