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There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Aig muir (At sea). Let’s look at some of them again in context.

Aig a’ chidhe

At the pier

Sgiobair a’ bhàt’-aiseig

Captain of the ferry (boat)

Cuin a bhios i a’ seòladh?

When will she be sailing?

Bidh i a’ fàgail …

She’ll be departing …

Aig cairteal an dèidh trì

At quarter past three

Feumaidh luchd-siubhail a bhith air bòrd

Passengers must be on board

Deich mionaidean roimhe sin

Ten minutes before that

Dè cho fada ‘s a bheir i a dhol a-null?

How long will it take to get [go] across?

Dè cho fada ‘s a thug i a dhol a-null …?

How long did it take to get [go] across …?

Thug i caogad, no leth-cheud, mionaid

It took fifty, or fifty [alt. counting system] minutes

Tha trioblaidean teicnigeach againn

We have technical problems

Bidh dàil ann.

There will be a delay.

Chì sinn dol fodha na grèine

We’ll see the sunset [sun going down]

Air an t-slighe

On the way

… nach bi am bàt’-aiseig fhèin a’ dol fodha

… the ferry itself doesn’t go down

… ‘s sinn uile fon mhuir!

… with us all under the sea!

Uabhasach cùramach a thaobh sàbhailteachd

Extremely careful about safety

Bràthair mo mhàthar

My uncle [my mother’s brother]

Air bàt’-iasgaich bliadhnaichean air ais

On a fishing boat years ago

Chaidh am bàta aca fodha

Their boat sank [went under]

Eadar Muile is Cearrara.

Between Mull and Kerrera.

Nach ist thu!

Won’t you be quiet!

Dè na tha na tiocaidean?

How much are the tickets?

Dè na bha na tiocaidean?!

How much were the tickets?!

Fhuair mi air-loidhne iad mar thà.

I got them online already.

Bha am faradh £3.05 an urra gach rathad

The fare was £3.05 each, each way

… agus £13.00 gach rathad airson a’ chàir.

… and £13.00 each way for the car.

Tha sin £38.20 uile gu lèir

That’s £38.20 altogether

We’ll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.