Complete for 2 points

A' dol fodha

Going under

We need the roimhear (preposition) fo (under) to say that a boat has gone under – air a dhol fodha. To sink something we would say: cuir fodha! | a’ cur fodha (sink! | sinking).

Usually, to use a preposition with a pronoun to say ‘under me’, ‘under you’ and so on, we have to make riochdairean roimhearach (prepositional pronouns).

fo + mifodham
fo + thufodhad
fo + efodha
fo + ifòidhpe
fo + sinnfodhainn
fo + sibhfodhaibh
fo + iadfòdhpa

Tha am bàta air a dhol fodha!

The boat has gone under!

Tha am bogsa fon bhòrd.

The box is under the table.

Bha mi air mo bheul fodham!

I was face down! [lit. I was on my mouth under me]

Lorg mi na h-iuchraichean, bha iad fodham air an t-sòfa!

I found the keys, they were under me on the sofa!