Complete for 2 points

An dàrna turas: Am bu toigh leat a dhol a dh'iasgach?

Take two: Would you like to go fishing?

Let’s have a look at this conversation again.

Am bu toigh leat a dhol a dh’iasgach? Would you like to go fishing?
Bu toil! I would!
Agus chan eil cur na mara a’ cur dragh ort? And seasickness doesn’t bother you?
Chan eil! Cha deach mi a dh’iasgach riamh roimhe seo! It doesn’t! I’ve never been fishing before now!
Tha mi eòlach air àite faisg air a’ chidhe. Bha mi a’ smaoineachadh air a dhol a-mach san eathar Dihaoine. I know a place near the pier. I was thinking of going out in the boat on Friday.
Sgoinneil. Bidh mi ann, deiseil is deònach le … le … Dè dh’fheumas mi? Terrific. I’ll be there, ready and willing with … with … What do I need?
Feumaidh sinn aodach dìonach, bòtannan, seacaid-teasairginn, agus cuirm-chnuic! We need waterproof clothes, wellies, a life jacket, and a picnic!
Dè mu dheidhinn slat—slat iasgaich? What about a rod—a fishing rod?
‘S e dorgh a chleachdas mise ach tha slat-iasgaich agus dubhan-iasgaich agam a dh’fhaodadh tu cleachdadh. It’s a handline that I use, but I have a fishing rod and a fishing hook you could use.
Math fhèin. Tapadh leat. Excellent. Thank you.
Chan fheum thu ach bòtannan, aodach blàth dìonach agus thu fhèin! Tha an còrr agam. You only need wellies, warm protective clothes and yourself. I have the rest.
Tha sin mìorbhaileach. Tha fadachd orm ri d’ fhaicinn Dihaoine. That’s marvellous. I just can’t wait to see you on Friday.
Ach tha ceist agam dhut mus fhalbh thu. Nan glacadh tu iasg, an itheadh tu e, no an cuireadh tu air ais e? But I have a question for you before you leave. If you caught a fish, would you eat it, or would you put it back?
Innsidh mi dhut ma ghlacas mi fear! I’ll tell you if I catch one!