The ballan
Am ballan
Listen to the recording and answer the questions below.
Ciamar a bha am ballan ag obrachadh?
How did the ballan work?
Am b' urrainn dha duine sam bith leigheas a thoirt leis a' bhallan?
Could anyone give this cure with the ballan?
Agus seo dhut na freagairtean!
And here are the answers!
Ciamar a bha am ballan ag obrachadh?
How did the ballan work?
Bha aon cheann den bhallan, a bha fosgailte na bhroinn, air a chur air bad dhen bhodhaig air an robh an cràdh agus dheocadh an neach a bha a' dèanamh an leigheis an ceann eile dheth.
One end of the ballan, which was hollow inside, was placed on the part of the body where the pain was and the person making the cure would suck the other end of it.
Am b' urrainn dha duine sam bith leigheas a thoirt leis a' bhallan?
Could anyone give this cure with the ballan?
Cha b' urrainn. Cha robh an comas sin aig a h-uile duine.
No they couldn't. Not everyone had this ability.
Why don't you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic–speaking friend, you could do this together. If you don't—no problem—you can have double the fun!
An cuala tu no am faca tu leigheas mar seo a–riamh?
Have you ever heard or seen a cure or remedy like this?
Nam biodh cuideigin ga thoirt dhut, ciamar a bhiodh tu a' faireachdainn?
If someone gave you it, how would you feel?
Bha 'creideas anabarrach' aig daoine anns a' bhallan, dè do bheachd fhèin air leigheas mar seo?
People had tremendous belief in the ballan. What do think yourself about this remedy?
A bheil leigheas ùr–nòsach nas fheàrr na leigheas traidiseanta nad bheachd–sa?
Is modern medicine better than traditional healing in your opinion?
A bheil ungadh sònraichte (special ointment) no acainn–leighis (healing salve) agad dha tinneas sam bith?
Do you have an ungadh sònraichte (special ointment) or acainn–leighis (healing salve) for any illness or disease?