I have a bad pain

Tha droch phian agam

How would you translate these phrases into Gaelic?


I have a bad pain inside my stomach and there's an ache in my head.  
Did you see the congregation within the church?  
In the Bible, Jonah was inside the whale for three days.  

Agus seo dhut na freagairtean!  
And here are the answers!  

I have a bad pain inside my stomach and there's an ache in my head.
Tha droch phian am broinn mo stamaig agus tha cràdh nam cheann.
Did you see the congregation within the church?
Am faca tu an coitheanal am broinn na h–eaglaise?
In the Bible, Jonah was inside the whale for three days.
Anns a' Bhìoball, bha Iònah am broinn na muice–mara fad trì làithean.

Ciamar a tha a' dol dhut?  

How's it going? 

We have learnt inversion structures many times up till now, but there are other structures which we haven't yet closely examined. 

Look at these sentences: 

Tha mi a' faireachdainn nas fheàrr an dèidh dhomh biadh ithe.
I am feeling better after eating food.
Chan eil mo cheann goirt an dèidh dhomh pilichean a ghabhail.
My head isn't sore after taking pills.