After | after you
An dèidh do | às dèidh do
An dèidh do | às dèidh do
This is a very common way in Gaelic to say that we've done something after something else and the structure is made up of the compound preposition an dèidh | às dèidh followed by the preposition do and then iomlaid (inversion):
An dèidh do Mhàiri a leigheas a ghabhail, sguir i dhen chaoineadh.
After Mary took her medicine, she stopped crying. (‘After Mary taking her medicine, …’)
Thèid agam air ruith a–rithist às dèidh dhomh obair–lannsa fhaighinn.
I'll manage to run again after (me) getting surgery.
How would you translate these phrases into Gaelic?
My mother will be a lot better after she gets a new hip. |
What did you do after you fell? |
Did you get a job after graduating? |
Agus seo dhut na freagairtean!
And here are the answers!
My mother will be a lot better after she gets a new hip.
Bidh mo mhàthair mòran nas fheàrr an dèidh dhi cruachann ùr fhaighinn.
What did you do after you fell?
Dè rinn thu an dèidh dhut tuiteam?
An d' fhuair thu obair às dèidh dhut ceumnachadh?
Did you get a job after graduating?