Complete for 2 points



There are a few rules we need to remember about the preposition tro (through). 

Firstly, we use lenition where possible: 

Chaidh an cù tro tholl.

The dog went through a hole.

Rinn i a slighe tro shràidean sàmhach.

She made her way through quiet streets.

We must also remember to use an tuiseal tabhartach (the dative case) when this preposition is followed by a definite noun: 

Chì mi thu tron (a’) mhìos.

I’ll see you through the month.

Bha aoidion a’ tighinn tron mhullach.

A leak was coming through the ceiling.

As with any preposition, we need to use the dependent form of the verb if we follow tro with a verb clause: 

Dh’innis am fear dhuinn mu na duilgheadasan tron deach e.

The man told us about the difficulties through which he went.

When we use possessive pronouns with this preposition, only the first two are usually contracted: 

trom (tro + mi) 

trod (tro + thu) 

An deach an sgian trod chorraig?

Did the knife go through your finger?

Chaidh. Chaidh an sgian trom chorraig.

It did. The knife went through my finger.


An deach clach, bàl no rud sam bith eile trod uinneig aig an taigh?

Did or has a stone, ball or anything else gone through your window at home?

Cuin a chaidh cràdh tromhad mu dheireadh agus carson?

When did pain last ‘go through you’ and why?

An tèid thu a dh’àite sam bith tron t–seachdain?

Will you go anywhere through the week?

Am faca tu duine sam bith tron latha an–dè?

Did you see anyone through the day today?