
This subject is full of terminology and we could spend the whole lesson learning new words!

But if we encounter medical problems, we need to be sure of the comharraidhean (symptoms), names of the common galaran (diseases) and leigheasan (remedies).

If you get ill, you will need your siostam ion–dhìon (immune system) and your ceallan ion–dhìon (immune cells).

pins and needles
losgadh bràghad
tinneas an t–siùcair
delirium, confusion, fit
heart attack
heart attack
blood pressure
tinneas sìor–bhuan
chronic illness
vein, blood vessel, artery
Cha mhòr nach robh iad air am meileachadh leis an fhuachd.
hey were almost chilled / numbed by the cold.
An dèidh dha a bhith na shuidhe fad greiseag, bha cadal–deilgneach dona na chasan.
After he had been sitting for a while, he had bad pins and needles in his legs/feet.
Nuair a dh'ith Màiri cus feòla air an fheasgar, thàinig losgadh bràghad oirre.
When Mary ate too much meat in the evening, she got heartburn.
Ma dh'fhulaingeas tu le tinneas sìor–bhuan, bidh duilgheadasan agad fad do bheatha.
If you suffer from a chronic illness, you will have problems all your life.
Chaidh cailleachan agus bodaich le seargadh–inntinne fhàgail ann an dachaigh–chùraim tro Chobhid gun fhios a bhith aca dè bha a' tachairt anns an t–saoghal.
Old women and old men with dementia were left in a care home through Covid without knowing what was happening in the world.
Thàinig grèim–cridhe air an dèidh dha biadh mì–fhallain ithe fad a bheatha.
He suffered a heart attack after eating unhealthy food all his life.
Nuair a thàinig clisgeadh–cridhe orm, mura bithinn air taic fhaighinn bho shrainnsear a bha faisg orm, cha mhòr nach robh mi air tuiteam air a' chabhsair.
When I had a heart attack, if I hadn't been helped by a stranger who was near me, I would have almost fallen on the pavement.
Rinn an dotair deuchainn nuair a mhothaich e gun robh bruthadh–fala àrd air.
The doctor did a test when he noticed that he had high blood pressure.