Pain went through him

Chaidh cràdh troimhe

We saw the preposition tro (through) at B1 and we learnt that we can use the verb rach (go) and tro when we talk about cràdh (severe ache, torment). 

tro + mi tromham through me 
tro + thu tromhad through you 
tro + e troimhe through him 
tro + i troimhpe through her 
tro + sinn tromhainn through us 
tro + sibh tromhaibh through you (polite/plural) 
tro + iad tromhpa through them 

We can use this preposition with the possessive adjective as well. 

Chaidh an cràdh trom cheann.
The ache went through my head.
An tèid a' phian trod ghlùin ma ghluaiseas mi do chas?
Does the pain go through your knee if I move your leg/foot?