Complete for 2 points

Briathrachan meidigeach — Dèanta!

Medical terminology - Dèanta!

You should now be confident about:

  • Briathrachas meidigeach | Medical terminology
  • Riochdair roimhearach—TRO | Prepositional pronoun—TRO
  • Gnàthasan | Idioms

You should also be confident about:

  • an roimhear – TRO | the preposition – TRO

Sàr obair!

You have learnt to talk about Briathrachan meidigeach (A medical glossary) in Gaelic! Why not take this mini–test to see how well you’re doing?

Let’s do it

Maybe later Loading

Why not move on to talk about Slàinte is ìocshlaint (Health and wellness)?