There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Briathrachan meidigeach (A medical glossary) . Let's look at some of them again in context.
tha amharas agam …
I suspect …
… gu bheil losgadh–bràghad orm
… that I have heartburn
gabh na pilichean seo
take these pills
bidh iad a' ruith ann an uisge
they dissolve in water
chuir sin an tuaineal orm
that made me dizzy
Tha mo cheann a' dol tuathal a–nis.
My head is spinning now.
tinneas an t–siùcair
a' fulang le bruthadh–fala àrd
suffering from high blood pressure
cho fallain ri fiadh
as fit as a fiddle (lit. as healthy as a deer)
a' fulang grèim–cridhe gun fhiosta
suffering a heart attack without warning
ambaileans (carbad–eiridinn)
sa bhad (anns a' bhad)
immediately, straight away
goirid san anail
short of breath
ann am breislich
an cràdh
the pain (ache, suffering)
a' dol tromham
going through me
a' meileachadh
going numb, becoming chilled
We'll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.