We're the better for that
B' fheàirrde sinn sin
There is another way that we can use adjectives, which has another unusual name: an ceum fàthach (the resultative degree).
This form tells us that something is better or worse after something, as a result of something.
Again, these forms exist for every adjective, but only fheàirrde and miste are heard often.
math | fheàrr | feabhas | fheàirrde |
dona | miosa | miosad | miste |
B' fheàirrde thu beagan fois.
You'd be the better for a bit of rest.
B' fheàirrde thu beagan bìdh.
You'd be the better for a bit of food.
Cha bu mhiste thu druthag eile!
You'd be no worse for another drop!
'S fheàirrde daoine gàire.
People are the better for a laugh.