Take two: That would do me good!
An dàrna turas: B' fheàirrde mi sin!
Let's have a look at this conversation again.

Glè mhath—Iain, tha thu ag iarraidh a dhol dhachaigh. Nach faighnich sinn dhan dotair an toiseach?
Very well, John—you want to go home. Shall we ask the doctor first?

Faighnicheamaid! Innsidh ise dhomh gu bheil mi a' dol am feabhas agus deiseil airson falbh.
Let's ask! She will tell me that I am getting better and ready to go.

No innsidh i dhut gu bheil thu a' dol am miosad agus feumach air fuireach oidhch' eile.
Or she will tell you that you are getting worse and need to stay another night.

Madainn mhath, Iain. Tha thu air a bhith an seo fad na h–oidhche, a bheil sin ceart?
Good morning, John. You've been here all night, is that right?

Tha gu dearbh, agus cha do chòrd e rium idir!
Yes indeed, and I didn't like it at all!

Tha mi duilich sin a chluinntinn. An e lughad na leapa, no gilead nan siotaichean–leapa nach do chòrd riut?
I'm sorry to hear that. Is it the smallness of the bed, or the whiteness of the bedsheets that you didn't like?

Cha robh na h–aon. Innsidh mi dhuibh—'s e oidhche fhada dhorcha a bh' innte. Dh'fhàs i na bu dhuirche. An uair sin chaidh i an duibhead!
Neither (of them). Let me tell you—it was a long dark night. It became darker. Then it went ever darker!

B' fheàirrde thu beagan fois, ma dh'fhaodte! Cha mhiste thu beagan coiseachd, ge–tà. Feuch sin an toiseach.
You'd be the better of some rest, perhaps! You're no worse for a little walking, though. Try that first.

B' fheàirrde mi sin! Och! Tha mi fhathast a' faireachdainn rud beag lag.
That would do me good! Och! I still feel a little bit weak.

Innsidh mi dhutsa. B' fheàirrde thu beagan bìdh agus cupa tì (teatha). An uair sin, b' fheàirrde thu beagan cadail—oidhch' eile—saoilidh mi!
I'll tell you. You'd be the better for some food and a cup of tea. Then, you'd better have some sleep—another night—I think!

Tha mise duilich sin a chluinntinn.
I'm sorry to hear that.

Na gabh dragh, Iain. An toiseach, cha bu mhiste thu drùdhag teatha eile agus beagan dibhearsain! 'S fheàirrde duine gàire!
Never mind, John. First, you would be no worse for another sip of tea and a little fun! Laughter is good for you!