Getting better

A' dol am feabhas 

Deiseil? | Ready?

In this section, you'll have a gentle introduction to talking about A' dol am feabhas (Getting better)

By the end of this short lesson, you should be confident about:

  • A' dol am feabhas | Getting better
  • Gnàthasan | Idioms 

You will also learn about:  

  • buadhairean sa cheum fhàthach | adjectives in the resultative degree 
  • buadhairean sa cheum bhuadhach | adjectives in the qualitative degree


Ùilleadh na bà a–mach ’s a–steach, mura leighis sin an Gàidheal, chan eil a leigheas ann.
The oil of the cow, without and within—if that won’t heal the Gael, there’s no cure for him/her.