Regular verbs in the past tense 1

Gnìomhairean riaghailteach san tràth chaithte 1

There were a few words and phrases there which you can use to talk in the past tense about learning.

Dh'ionnsaich sinn …
We learned …
An do thuig sibh sin?
Did you understand that?
I did (understand)!
Cha do thuig.
I didn't (understand).
An do fhreagair sibh na ceistean?
Did you answer the questions?
I did (answer).
Cha do fhreagair
I didn't (answer).
An do dh'innis …?
Did you tell …?
An do chreid …?
Did you believe …?
I did believe.

Let's look at them again in context.

Dh'ionnsaich sinn mòran an latha sin!
We learned a lot that day!
An do thuig sibh na thachair an latha sin?
Did you understand what happened that day?
Cha do thuig mi gun robh casg-astair air an rathad sin.
I didn't understand there was a speed limit on that road.
… thuig mise!
… I did!
An do fhreagair thu na ceistean aice?
Did you answer her questions?
Yes (I did answer.)
Ach cha do fhreagair i mise, nuair a thuirt mi gun robh cabhag orm.
But she didn't answer me when I said that I was in a hurry.
An do dh'innis i dhut gun robh cùisean rèidh an dèidh sin?
Did she tell you that everything was alright (on good terms) after that?
Yes (She did tell).
An do chreid thu gun d' fhuair mi tiocaid?
Did you believe that I got a ticket?
Yes (I did believe).
Cha do chreid!
You didn't (believe)!
Chreid mise! Ach cha robh mi airson dad a ràdh mu dheidhinn!
I did (believe)! But I didn't want to say anything about it!