Why don’t you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic–speaking friend, you could do this together. If you don’t—no problem—you can have double the fun!
Use the questions below to have a conversation.
Try to use some of the vocabulary, idioms and grammar points we learned in this Cuspair.
It’s well worth opening another tab in your browser to do this, if you can.
A bheil an dùthaich far a bheil thusa a’ fuireach ann am fiachan mòra?
Is the country in which you live in great debt?
A bheil aon riaghailt ann do bhancaichean mòra agus riaghailt eile do chompanaidhean beaga?
Is there one rule for big banks and another rule for small companies?
A bheil an eaconamaidh a’ fàgail cus airgid aig glè bheag de dhaoine agus cus dhaoine ann am bochdainn?
Is the economy leaving too few people with too much money and too many people in poverty?
A bheil companaidhean mòra a’ cleachdadh an neirt ionmhasail aca airson brath a ghabhail air an luchd-obrach?
Are big companies using their financial strength to take advantage of their workers?
A bheil riaghailteachadh ionmhasail na h-eaconamaidh a’ ciallachadh gum bi an eaconamaidh a’ leum eadar tòcadh agus tubaist?
Does the financial regulation of the economy mean that the economy will lurch between boom and bust (crash)?