There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Fiachan, bancairean agus an eaconamaidh (Debts, bankers and the economy). Let’s look at some of them again in context.
A bheil dad aig duine ormsa?
Do I owe anyone anything?
‘s math gun do dh’fhaighnich thu
it’s just as well you asked
Tha mi air obrachadh a-mach …
I have worked out …
fichead not an urra
twenty pounds each
Chosgadh sin deagh sgillinn.
That would cost a pretty penny.
taigh-bìdh leòmach
a posh (fancy) restaurant
Abair gun robh.
Wasn’t it just.
Dè na bha e?
What did it cost? How much was it?
Tha eagal orm a ràdh.
I’m afraid to say.
còrr is ceud mìle gach rathad
more than a hundred miles each way
connadh (m)
Is leisg orm a ràdh!
I hesitate to say!
Cha ghabhainn sgillinn ruadh no geal bhuaibh airson sin!
I wouldn’t take a penny from you for that!
Airson fiach not
For the sake of a pound
An canamaid nach eil dad aig duine againn oirnn fhèin?
Could we say that none of us owes each other anything?
We’ll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.