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Complete for 2 points

A bheil dad aig duine ormsa?

Do I owe anyone anything?

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

A’ bruidhinn air fiachan agus dìth airgid, a chàirdean, a bheil dad aig duine ormsa? Speaking of debt and lack of money, friends, do I owe anyone anything?
Uill, Iain, ‘s math gun do dh’fhaighnich thu. Tha mi air obrachadh a-mach gu bheil fichead not agaibh uile orm, sin fichead not an urra! Well, John, it’s just as well you asked. I have worked out that you all owe me twenty pounds, that’s twenty pounds each!
Ciamar a tha sin, a bhalaich? How’s that, mate (sonny)?
Bidh deagh chuimhn’ agad gun deach sinn a dh’fhaicinn Cò Air a Tha Thu a-Mach? ann an Glaschu. Nach eil cuimhn’ agad gun do cheannaich mi na tiocaidean againn uile? You will remember very well that we went to see Cò Air a Tha Thu a-Mach? (What Are You On About?) in Glasgow. Don’t you remember that I bought all our tickets?
Tha thu ceart! Ach cheannaich mise am biadh an dèidh làimhe. You are right! But I bought the food afterwards.
Chosgadh sin deagh sgillinn. ‘S e taigh-bìdh leòmach a bha siud. Agus abair gun robh am biadh sònraichte! That would cost a pretty penny. It was a posh restaurant. And wasn’t the food excellent!
Abair gun robh. Dè na bha e? Wasn’t it just. What did it cost? (lit. How much was it?)
Tha eagal orm a ràdh. Ach thug Anna lioft dhuinn uile, a’ togail gach neach air an rathad—còrr is ceud mìle gach rathad. I’m afraid to say. But Anna gave us all a lift, picking up everyone on the way—more than a hundred miles each way.
Chosgadh sin deagh sgillinn—no not—cuideachd ann an connadh! Dè na bha siud, Anna? That would cost a pretty penny—or a pound—in fuel too! How much was that, Anna?
Is leisg orm a ràdh! Ach cheannaich Iain na deochan fad an fheasgair. Chuirinn luach nam ficheadan not ris a sin! I hesitate to say! But John bought the drinks all evening. I would value that in twenties of pounds!
Cha ghabhainn sgillinn ruadh no geal bhuaibh airson sin, a chàirdean! I wouldn’t take a penny from you for that, my friends!
Glè mhath! Airson fiach not—no dhà—an canamaid nach eil dad aig duine againn oirnn fhèin? Very good! For the sake of a pound—or two—would we say that none of us owes each other anything?