
Topic Introduction
A’ bruidhinn mu nithean
Talking about things
Section 1
Do dhachaigh
Your Home
Section 2
Rudan anns an taigh agad
Things in your House
Section 3
A' mìneachadh an taighe
Describing your house
Section 4
Na rudan a th’ aig daoine eile
Other people's things
Section 5
Na dathan
The colours
Section 6
Dachaigh - Dèanta!
Home - complete
Section 7
Topic 5 Dachaigh Home
We all have a place we like to home. In this topic we will talk about your house.
You’ll learn how to:
- Talk about objects in your house
- Talk about rooms in your house
- Say where things are
You’ll also learn about:
- Rooms
- Colours
- Household objects
- Bilingual transcription - Air-loidhne: Dachaighean
- Bilingual transcription - Dachaigh ùr: An taigh ùr