Complete for 2 points

Nuair a bha sinn òg

When we were young

Remember that it is important that we listen to Gaelic as often as possible and that we use reading and listening resources at different levels.

In this recording, the Reverend Norman MacDonald is talking to Calum Maclean about education in the schools when he was young.

He is telling Calum that the women didn’t have English and the parents would struggle (make great efforts) to ensure the boys would have a little education.

Listen to the recording to find out why things were like that/why that was.

There is a transcription of this recording on the same page.

Remember: you can change the speed in the settings.

fèillteanplfar am biodh crodh agus caoraich gan reicmarts/markets/fairs where cattle and sheep were sold
a’ cosnadh an lòin a’ dèanamh am bith-beò; a’ faighinn pàigheadh airson obairearning their livelihood, being paid for work; earning their keep
na h-igheananplna nigheananthe girls
gun saothair gun obair, gun dragheffortlessly (without toil); without work, without bother

Thoir sùil air an tar-sgrìobhadh agus dèan cinnteach gu bheil thu a’ tuigsinn brìgh na h-earrainn.