Gaelic medium education and bilingualism
Foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig is dà-chànanas
Deiseil? | Ready?
By the end of this short lesson, you should be confident about:
- A' dèanamh còmhradh—no deasbad—mu dheidhinn dà-chànanas | Having a conversation—or debate—about bilingualism
- A' dèanamh còmhradh—no deasbad—mu dheidhinn foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig | Having a conversation—or debate—about Gaelic medium education
You will also learn about:
Gnàthasan | Idioms
’S e 'n t-ionnsachadh òg an t-ionnsachadh bòidheach; ’S e 'n t-ionnsachadh òg a nì foghlam gun taing; ’S e 'n t-ionnsachadh òg a nì ealanta.
Learn young, learn well (lit. The early learning is the beautiful learning); The early learning makes the sure learning; The early learning makes expert.