See if you can have a conversation about the passage/excerpt.
We’ve given you some questions for starters!
Càit am faigheadh no an leughadh tu earrann mar seo?
Where would you find or read a passage like this?
Dè na comasan aig oileanaich a bhiodh an cùrsa seo a’ toirt air adhart?
What abilities of students would this course bring forth?
Dè cho fada air ais ‘s a tha cruinneachaidhean an t-Sabhail Mhòir a’ dol?
How far back do the collections at Sabhal Mòr go?
Dè na pàirtearan caithte a tha thu a’ faicinn anns an earrainn seo?
Which past participles do you see in this passage?
Dè do bheachd air a’ chùrsa seo?
What do you think of this course?
Am biodh e furasta no doirbh a dhèanamh?
Would it be easy or difficult to do?
An do rinn thu Ceum PhD?
Have you done PhD (degree)?
Mura do rinn, an dèanadh tu fear?
If you haven’t, would you take/do one?
An rachadh tu gu Sabhal Mòr Ostaig làn-ùine?
Would you go to Sabhal Mòr Ostaig full-time?
An toireadh tu a-mach ceum ùr nam biodh tìde agus airgead gu leòr agad?
Would you take a new degree if you enough time and money?
Dè an cuspair a thaghadh tu?
What subject would you choose?