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Bilingual transcription: Sin sib’ fhèin

Bilingual transcription: It’s yourself

Watch this clip where Joy gives us some of her useful tips and favourite phrases.


In English we usually emphasise words by stressing them but in Gaelic, we use special words or particles to do this.

Cuiridh sinn cuideam le faclan leithid

fhèin, self, no dòigh eile air a ràdh,

fhìn, fhèin no fhìn neo mar a chluinneas sibh agamsa tric aig toiseach a’ phrògraim:

sin sib’ fhèin, it’s yourselves, sin sib’ fhèin.

‘S urrainn cuideam a chur le mìr, a particle or suffix at the end of a word, ‘s bidh sibh eòlach orra seo mar–thà:

mise, me, mise

you, thusa, thusa

iadsan, iadsan.

Le buadhaireansealbhach, possessive adjectives or articles, leithid mo agus do, faodaidh sinn na mìrean a chur ri deireadh an fhacail:

Feumaidh Anna / mo chuideachadh–sa, Anne will have to help me, Feumaidh Anna mo chuideachadh–sa.

Agus eisimpleir eile dhen seo:

Feumaidh Anna … do chuideachadh–sa, Anne will have to help you,  do chuideachadh–sa.

And if you want to help her:

a cuideachadh–se,  a cuideachadh–se.