Festivals - Finished!

Fèisean – Dèanta!

Meal do naidheachd! | Congratulations!

Gasta! You should now be confident in the following:
  • ag ràdh dè dh'fheumas daoine a dhèanamh a' cur cuideam air  an ainmear ghnìomhaireach gu ceart. | saying what people need to do, emphasising the verbal noun correctly
  • a bhith eòlach air eachdraidh Fhèisean nan Gàidheal agus a bhith comasach air bruidhinn mu dheidhinn. | knowing the history of Fèisean nan Gàidheal and talking about it
  • ag ràdh gum feum thu falbh, no gum feum thu àiteigin fhàgail. | saying that you have to go, or that you have to leave somewhere
  • a' cleachdadh àichidhean dùbailte 'double negatives' airson do bheachd a thoirt seachad. | using 'double negatives' to express your opinion