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Complete for 2 points

Fèilltean cudromach sa bhliadhna

Important festivals (holy days) in the year

Look at the sentences below and play with the different answers until you’re happy with them. There are no wrong answers. Have fun!

B’ e

(It was)
Fèill nan Rìgh Epiphany Fèill an Taisbeanaidh Epiphany Là Fhèill Màrtainn Martinmas Day Imbolg Imbolc Là Lùnast Lammas Day Là Fhèill Màrtainn Martinmas Là Fhèill Mìcheil St Michael’s Day Là an t–Sruthain Michaelmas Là Buidhe Bealltainn the first day of May

aon de na fèilltean a bu chudromaiche sa bhliadhna.

was one of the most important feasts/holy days in the year.