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An dàrna turas: Bliadhna làn fhèisean is fhèilltean

Take two: A year full of festivals and fairs

Let’s have a look at this conversation again.

Cha mhòr nach eil an–ath–bhliadhna làn fhèisean is fhèilltean mar–thà! Next year is almost full with festivals and fairs already!
Dè tha thu a’ ciallachadh? What do you mean?
Sa gheamhradh, bidh Fèis na Bliadhn’ Ùire ann. Nuair a thig Latha Fhèill Brìghde no Iombolg, bidh sinn a’ comharrachadh toiseach an earraich, ged a bhios i fhathast fuar is dorcha. In the winter, there’s Fèis na Bliadhn’ Ùire (New Year’s Festival). When St Brigid’s day (Candlemas) or Iombolc comes, we celebrate the beginning of spring, although it will still be cold and dark.
Och tha mi leat a–nis! Cluicheamaid an geama seo! Cuimhnich gun tig Latha Fhèill Pàdraig faisg air co–fhad–thràth an earraich. Oh I’m with you now! Let’s play this game! Remember that St Patrick’s Day falls close to the spring equinox.
Agus na dìochuimhnich Fèis na Càisge a bhios a’ tighinn goirid an dèidh sin. And don’t forget Easter which comes shortly after that.
Cha bhi e fada an uair sin gu Latha Buidhe Bealltainn, a’ chiad latha dhen t–samhradh. ‘S e sin an latha as fheàrr leamsa sa bhliadhna. It won’t be long then until May Day, the first day of summer. That is my favourite day of the year.
Cha bhi e fada gus an tig Fèill Eòin agus meadhan an t–samhraidh—ro thràth dhomhsa! It won’t be long then until the the feast day of St John and the middle of summer—too soon for me!
Agus cho luath ’s a bhios sin seachad, nochdaidh Fèis Cheilteach Innse Gall, far an tig sinn uile còmhla, tha mi ‘n dòchas. And as soon as that is over, the HebCelt (Celtic Festival of the Hebrides) will appear, where we will all come together, I hope.
Agus ‘s ann ro luath a thig Là Lùnast agus toiseach tòiseachaidh an fhoghair. And Lammas and the very beginning of autumn will come all too soon.
Air cùl sàilean an Lùnastail agus goirid an dèidh co–fhad–thràth an fhoghair thig Latha Fhèill Mìcheil, no Là an t–Sruthain. On the heels of August and shortly after the autumnal equinox comes Michaelmas, the day of Michaelmas cake.
Tha mise a’ fàs fuar a–nis! Bidh sinn a’ fosgladh an dorais air Oidhche Shamhna agus thig an t–Samhain agus an geamhradh an ath latha. I’m getting cold now! We open the door on Halloween and the feast of All Souls/November and winter come the next day.
Agus dè a chumas blàth is dòchasach sinn ach smuaintean na Nollaige agus Oidhche Challainn?! Bliadhna Mhath Ùr! And what keeps us warm and hopeful but thoughts of Christmas and New Year’s Eve?! Happy New Year!
Agus a leithid ceudna dhutsa! And the same to you!