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Bòrd Slàinte na Gàidhealtachd

Highland Health Board

Chaidh fhàgail air Bòrd Slàinte na Gàidhealtachd nach eil iad a’ dèanamh gu leòr airson dreuchdan a tha falamh a lìonadh ann an seirbheisean slàinte is cùraim an Eilein Sgitheanaich.

Highland Health Board was criticised for not doing enough to fill vacant positions in the health and care services in the Isle of Skye.

Thogadh na draghan aig coinneamh ann am Port Rìgh oidhche Luain.

The concerns were raised at a meeting in Portree on Monday night.

Chaidh innse gu bheil gainnead luchd–obrach a’ ciallachadh nach eil Ionad Cùraim Èiginneach Ospadal Phort Rìgh fosgailte tron t–seachdain.

It was said that a lack of staff means that Portree Hospital’s Urgent Care Centre is not open during the week.

Chualas cuideachd gu bheil grunn leapannan aig Dachaigh Cùraim Home Farm agus ann an Ospadal an Àth Leathainn nach urrainn a bhith air an cleachdadh.

It was also heard that there is a good number of beds at Home Farm Care Home and at Broadford Hospital that cannot be used.

Thuirt Myra NicLeòid bhon a’ bhuidheann–strì SOSNHS gu bheil muinntir an eilein nas truaighe dheth an–diugh na bha iad còig bliadhna air ais.

Myra MacLeod from the pressure group SOSNHS said that the people of the island are worse off today than they were five years ago.

Tha ise ag ràdh nach eil NHS na Gàidhealtachd a’ dèanamh gu leòr a thaobh a bhith a’ fastadh dhaoine ùra airson nan seirbheisean slàinte tro shanasachd.

She says that NHS Highland is not doing enough in terms of recruiting new people for the health services through advertising.

Tha SOSNHS an dùil cumail orra a’ strì airson nan seirbheisean slàinte a chumail aig ìre, thuirt i.

SOSNHS intends to continue fighting to keep (the) health services up to standard, she said.

Tha duilgheadasan air a bhith ann bho chionn greis le dìth thaighean do luchd–obrach.

There have been problems for some time with a lack of housing for workers.

Thuirt NHS na Gàidhealtachd gu bheil an oidhirp aca diofar bheàrnan a lìonadh aig ìrean eadar–dhealaichte agus gu feum iad uaireannan dreuchdan a shanasachd a–rithist.

The Highlands NHS said that their efforts to fill different vacancies are at different stages and that they sometimes have to re–advertise positions.

Thuirt iad gu bheil iad ag obair air dòighean ùra, innleachdach airson luchd–obrach a thàladh agus gun do choinnich iad ri riochdairean coimhearsnachd anns an Eilean Sgitheanach bho chionn ghoirid airson nam planaichean aca a thaobh a bhith a’ fastadh dhaoine a mhìneachadh.

They said that they are working on new, innovative ways to attract workers and that they met with community representatives in Skye recently to explain their plans for hiring people.

There is some explanation of the grammar points at 7A Duilleag Mìneachaidh.