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Dè bu toil leibhse a dhèanamh?

What would you like to do?

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Tha siud gu leòr bhuamsa, a chàirdean! Carson nach do chuir cuideigin stad orm? That’s enough from me, friends (people/folks)! Why didn’t someone stop me?
Cha do dh’iarr sinn ort a sgur leis gun robh an còmhradh cho ùidheil! We didn’t ask you to stop because the conversation was so interesting!
Sguiridh mise a bhruidhinn ma–thà! Dè bu toil leibhse a dhèanamh? I’ll stop talking then! What would you like to do?
Tha mise toilichte far a bheil mi an–dràsta. Tha mi ag obair air mo cheann fhèin agus tha sin a’ còrdadh rium. ‘S e fastaiche uabhasach còir is tuigseach a th’ annam! I’m happy where I am now. I work for myself and I like that. I am a very kind and understanding employer!
Agus mar neach–fastaidh, chan fheum thu dragh a ghabhail mu aonaidhean ciùird no àrdachadh pàighidh? And as an employer, you don’t have to worry about trade unions or pay raises?
Tha thu ceart an sin. Ach tha prìsean a’ dol suas gun sgur, tha e coltach, agus chan eil prothaidean cho math ‘s a shaoileadh tu! You’re right there. But prices are forever going up, it seems, and profits are not as good as you might think!
Uill, tha mise cho sona ri bròg nam chunntasair a–nis! Uaireannan bidh luchd–dèiligidh againn a bhios a’ bruidhinn gun sgur, ach ‘s e sin an rud as miosa mu dheidhinn. Well, I’m as happy as anything as an accountant now! Sometimes we have clients who talk non–stop, but that’s the worst thing about it.
Chan eil mise cho dèidheil air figearan—a’ dol air ais gu mo làithean–sgoile nuair a bhiodh an tidsear a’ faighneachd cheistean dhìom mu rudan nach robh mi a’ tuigsinn! Dè an rud as fheàrr mu dheidhinn (obair) cunntasachd? I’m not that fond of numbers—going back to my school days when the teacher would ask me questions about things I didn’t understand! What is the best thing about accountancy?
Saoilidh mi gur e obair inntinneach a th’ innte. Iarraidh mi air an neach–dèiligidh cunntas a thoirt dhomh air mar a chaidh an t–airgead a chosg. Bidh mi a’ faighneachd iomadh ceist dhaibh. Tha gach ceum a ghabhas mi san obair seo soilleir. Agus tha smachd agam air càileachd na h–obrach. I think it’s an interesting job. I will ask the client to give me an account of how the money was spent. I ask them many questions. Every step I take in this work is clear. And I control the quality of the work.
Nach eil dragh ort gu bheil companaidhean mòra eadar–nàiseanta a’ ceannach chompanaidhean mar an companaidh agad, agus le sin a’ lagachadh còraichean an luchd–obrach gu lèir? Aren’t you worried that big international companies are buying companies like yours, and with that undermining the rights of all workers?
Tha dragh nas motha orm mu dheidhinn Tuigse Innealta (AI) agus mar a bhios sin a’ lagachadh còraichean an t–sluaigh! I’m more concerned about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how that will undermine people’s rights!
Feumaidh cuideigin stad a chur orra no cha bhi companaidh no buidheann dùthchasach air fhàgail san dùthaich seo! Someone has to stop them or there won’t be any indigenous companies or groups left in this country!
Mar a thuirt mise iomadh uair roimhe, a chàirdean, cha ghabh dad a dhèanamh às aonais reachdas! As I have said many times before, friends, nothing can be done without legislation!