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Complete for 2 points


Employment contract

Why don’t you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic–speaking friend, you could do this together. It will be fun—siuthad!

A bheil cumhaichean coltach ri seo anns a’ chùmhnant–obrach agad fhèin?

Are there conditions similar to these in your own employment contract?

An do leugh thu a–riamh an cùmhnant agad?

Have you ever read your contract?

Dè dh’fheumadh tu dèanamh airson saor–làithean a chur air dòigh?

What would you need to do to organise a holiday (annual leave)?

Cia mheud saor–là a gheibh thusa gach bliadhna?

How many days off do you get each year?

Am bi thu gan gabhail?

Do you take them?

Dè na h–uairean–obrach a bhios tusa a’ dèanamh?

What hours do you work?

Am b’ fheàrr leat a bhith ag obair bho 9 gu 5 gach latha, no am b’ fheàrr leat uairean sùbailte?

Would you rather work from 9 to 5 every day, or would you prefer flexible hours?

Have a look at the websites of different Gaelic companies and organisations to find information about jobs/positions examples of contracts.