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Cumhaichean cùmhnant

Contract conditions

Read the following terms of contract here:

Dòighean–pàighidh: Thèid do phàigheadh gu dìreach dhan chunntas bhanca agus air an latha–obrach mu dheireadh de gach mìos.
Gheibh thu bileag–pàighidh gach mìos a tha a’ sealltainn an tuarastail agad agus sùim sam bith a chaidh a thoirt dheth.

Cùmhnant: ‘S e cùmhnant làn–ùine leantainneach a tha seo.

Uairean–obrach: Bidh thu ag obair 35 uairean gach seachdain eadar Diluain is Dihaoine.

‘S e do dhleastanas a bhith a’ coileanadh na h–obrach sgrìobhte air a’ chlàr–obrach an cois seo, agus obair reusanta sam bith eile mar a bhios feum air bho àm gu àm.

Saor–làithean: Tha còir agad air 35 saor–làithean sa bhliadhna agus feumar an gabhail sa bhliadhna no an call.

Ma thig do dhreuchd gu crìch agus nach do ghabh thu do chuid shaor–làithean sa bhliadhna làithreach, thèid do phàigheadh air an son.

Ma thig do dhreuchd gu crìch agus gun do ghabh thu cus shaor–làithean, bidh e an urra ris an Fhastaiche an tèid am pàigheadh mu dheireadh agad a lùghdachadh da rèir.

Tha dùil gun gabh thu do shaor–làithean aig amannan a tha freagarrach dhan Fhastaiche agus le fios 4 seachdainean aig a’ char as lugha air a thoirt dha do mhanaidsear.

Tha bliadhna nan saor–làithean a’ ruith bho 1 Am Faoilleach gu 31 An Dùbhlachd.

Co–ionannachd is Iomadachd: Tha co–ionannachd chothroman agus spèis a thaobh iomadachd aig cridhe na companaidh. Tha am poileasaidh ri fhaicinn san Leabhar–làimhe.

Tha uallach ort, mar neach–obrach na companaidh, am poileasaidh seo a leantainn.

Mura cùm thu ris a’ phoileasaidh co–ionannachd is iomadachd, thèid dèiligeadh ris fon mhodh–obrach smachdachaidh.

Payment arrangements: You will be paid directly to the bank account and on the last working day of each month.

You will receive a payslip each month showing your wages and any deductions made.

Contract: This is an ongoing full–time contract.

Working hours: You will work 35 hours per week between Monday and Friday.

It is your responsibility to carry out the work written on the attached work schedule, and any other reasonable work as may be required from time to time.

Holidays: You are entitled to 35 holidays (days’ leave) a year and they must be taken in the year or they will be lost (forfeited).

If your employment ends and you have not taken your allotted holidays (days’ leave) in the current year, you will be paid for them.

If your employment ends and you have taken too many holidays (days’ leave), it will be dependent on the Employer whether or not? to reduce your final pay accordingly.

You are expected to take your holidays (days’ leave) at times convenient to the Employer and with a minimum of 4 weeks’ notice given to your manager.

The holiday year (annual leave) runs from 1 January to 31 December.

Equality and Diversity: Equal opportunities and respect for diversity are at the heart of the company. The policy can be found in the Handbook.

It is your responsibility, as an employee of the company, to follow this policy.

Should you fail to comply with the equality and diversity policy, this will be dealt with under the disciplinary procedure.