Bilingual transcription: Fashion

Bilingual transcription: Fasan

SOPHIE : Dè do bheachd? Is toil leam an dath ach chan eil mi cinnteach mun t-seacaid fhèin. A bheil i a’tighinn rium?

What do you think? I like the colour but I’m not sure about the jacket itself. Does it suit me?

RONA : Tha an dath brèagha. Ach a bheil sin cudromach? Feumaidh i a bhith blàth agus dìonach.

The colour is nice. But is that important? It needs to be warm and waterproof.

SOPHIE : Tha sin fìor. Bidh mi air cuairt-locha air Loch Nis agus tha coltas ann gum bi an aimsir fuar agus fliuch!

That’s true. I’ll be on a river cruise on Loch Ness. The weather will likely be cold and wet.

RONA : Càit an do cheannaich thu na seacaidean?

Where did you buy the jackets?

SOPHIE : Cheannaich mi air loidhne iad.

I bought them online.

RONA : Seo, cuir dhìot an t-seacaid sin agus feuch ort an tè seo.

Here, take that jacket off and try this one on.

RONA : Siuthad, cuir ort i.

Here, try it on.

SOPHIE : Càit am bi thusa a’ ceannach do chuid aodaich?

Where do you buy your clothes?

RONA : ’S fheàrr leam a bhith a’ dol dha na bùithtean. Is toil leam aodach fheuchainn ormmus ceannaich mi càil.

I prefer going to the shops. I like to try clothes on before I buy them.

SOPHIE : Hmm...tha an tè seo ro bheag dhomh. Dè do bheachd?

Hmmm this one looks too small. What do you think?

RONA : Feumaidh tu seacaid nas motha na sin fhaighinn. Ma bhios an latha fuar, faodaidh tu geansaidh a chur ort fon t-seacaid.

You need to a bigger jacket than that. If the day is cold, you can wear a jumper under the jacket.

SOPHIE : Bheir mi dhìom i agus feuchaidh mi tèile orm. Dè cho tric ’sa bhios tusa a’ ceannach aodach?

I’ll take it off and I’ll try another on. How often do you buy clothes?

RONA : Bidh mi a’ ceannach aodach nuair a bhios feum agam air aodach ùr. Ach is toil leam a bhith a’ coimhead air aodach anns na bùithtean. Is toil leam a bhith a’ dol gu bùithtean carthannais cuideachd.

I buy clothes when I need new clothes. But I like looking at clothes in the shops. I like going to charity shops as well.

SOPHIE : A bheil e cudromach dhut a bhith anns an fhasan?

Is it important to you to be fashionable?

RONA : Ehm (laughs)...dè do bheachd? Tha e cudromach gu bheil mi cofhurtail nam chuid aodaich.

Ehm... what do you think? It’s important that I’m comfortable in my clothing.

SOPHIE : Tha na muinchillean seo ro fhada. Nam biodh iad na bu ghiorra...

These sleeves are too long. If they were shorter...

RONA : Tha an t-seacaid ro mhòr.

The jacket’s too big.

SOPHIE : An e aodach a tha anns a’ bhaga sin?

Is it clothes that’s in that bag?

RONA : ’S e. Tha mi a’ dol ga thoirt dhan bhùth charthannais madainn a-màireach. Thug mi baga eile seachad an t-seachdain sa chaidh.

Yes, I’m going to take it to the charity shop tomorrow morning. I gave another bag last week.

SOPHIE : Tha sin snog. Carson nach bi thu ga cur ort tuilleadh?

That’s nice. Why don’t you wear it anymore?

RONA : Tha i ro bheag dhomh. Dh’ fheumainn tè na bu mhotha. Siuthad, feuch ort i.

It’s too small for me. I needed a bigger size. Go on, try it on.

SOPHIE : Is toil leam an dath.

I like the colour.

RONA : Chan eil i ro bheag no ro mhòr.

It’s neither too small nor too big.

SOPHIE : Chan eil i ro fhada no ro ghoirid. Tha i dìreach ceart. Feumaidh mi a ceannach. Dè ghabhas tu air a son?

It’s neither too long nor too short. It’s just perfect. I’ll have to buy it. What will you take for it?

RONA : Cha ghabh càil. Tha bogsa carthannais air an deasg aig Etta. Faodaidh tu sgillinn no dhà a chur an sin.

Nothing. There’s a charity box on Etta’s desk. You can puta penny or two in there.

SOPHIE : Agus cuiridh mi iad seo air ais.

And I’ll send these back.