Take two: I like t–shirts

An dàrna turas: Is toigh leamsa lèintean–t

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Càit am bi thusa a' ceannach do chuid aodaich?

Where do you buy your clothes?

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Bidh mi a' ceannach aodach ann an iomadh àite: anns na bùthan sa bhaile, mòr–bhùthan sa bhaile–mhòr agus, mar as trice, air–loidhne.

I buy clothes in many places: in the shops in the town, supermarkets in the city and, most often, online.

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Tha bùthan air–loidhne cho goireasach. Briog agus sin agad e! Ach 's dòcha gu bheil iad ro ghoireasach. Agus chan urrainn dhut aodach fheuchainn ort mus ceannaich thu e.

Online shops are so convenient. A (one) click and there you have it! But they're probably too convenient. And you can't try clothes/clothing on before you buy it.

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Am feum thu aodach fheuchainn ort mus ceannaich thu e?

Do you have to try clothes on before you buy them?

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Feumaidh. Tha e cudromach gum bi e a' fiotadh gu ceart. An toigh leatsa aodach fheuchainn ort mus ceannaich thu e?

I do. It's important that it fits properly. Do you like to try clothes on before you buy them?

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'S toil. Tha e cudromach dhomhsa gum bi e a' fiotadh gu ceart agus a' tighinn rium.

I do (like). It's important to me that it fits properly and that it suits me.

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Dè cho tric 's a bhios tu a' ceannach aodach, ma–thà?

How often do you buy clothes, then?

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Ro thric! Uair no dhà sa bhliadhna, nuair a bhios cuirm no pàrtaidh ann. Bidh mi a' feuchainn ri deise, tàidh no peitean ath–chleachdadh. Ach … mar as trice, ge–tà, bidh feum agam air rudeigin ùr a thig le m' èideadh.

Too often! Once or twice a year, when there's a gathering or a party. I try to reuse a suit, a tie or a waistcoat, but most often though I need to get something new which will go with my outfit.

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Dè seòrsa aodaich a bhios tusa a' ceannach?

What kind of clothes do you buy?

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'S toigh leamsa lèintean–t. Tha mo phreas–aodaich làn dhiubh! Ach sin e!

I like t–shirts. My wardrobe is full of them! But that's it [all]!

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Nach toigh leatsa ceannachd?

Don't you like buying?

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Cha toil! Ma cheannaicheas mi aodach 's ann ann an cruaidh–chàs a cheannaicheas mi e!

I don't! If I buy clothes it's only in an emergency that I'll buy them!