Complete for 2 points

Cànan na dachaigh againne

The language of our home

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations. 

Am bruidhneadh do phàrantan Gàidhlig riut nuair a bha thu òg? Did your parents speak Gaelic to you when you were young?
Bhruidhneadh, gu dearbh. B’ i a’ Ghàidhlig cànan na dachaigh againne. They did [speak], certainly. Gaelic was the language of our home.
Bha sibhse fortanach far an robh sibh a’ fuireach, tha mi cinnteach. You were lucky where you lived, I’m sure.
Nach biodh do phàrantan a’ bruidhinn Gàidhlig ribh far an robh sibh a’ fuireach anns a’ bhaile mhòr? Didn’t your parents speak Gaelic to you [pl] where you were living in the city?
Bhiodh m’ athair a’ bruidhinn Gàidhlig rinn. Ach cha bhiodh mo mhàthair ach glè ainneamh. My father would speak Gaelic to us. But my mother would only speak it very rarely.
Carson nach biodh do mhàthair a’ bruidhinn Gàidhlig ribh? Why didn’t your mother speak Gaelic to you?
B’ i Gàidhlig na h–Èireann a bh’ aice bho thùs. Bha dragh oirre gum b’ e cnap–starradh a bhiodh ann—cànan eile aig pàiste. It was Irish (Gaeilge) that she spoke originally. She was concerned that it would be an obstacle—for a child to have another language.
Och ‘s e tàmailt a tha sin. B’ àbhaist do dhaoine a bhith a’ smaoineachadh sin, ge–tà. Och that’s a terrible shame. People used to think that, though.
Tha thu ceart. Cha b’ àbhaist do dhaoine a bhith smaoineachadh gum biodh trì cànanan—Gàidhlig, Beurla agus Gàidhlig na h–Èireann—gu feum. You’re right. People didn’t used to think that to three languages—Gaelic, English and Irish Gaelic (Gaeilge)—would be of use.
Ach an togadh tu Gàidhlig na h–Èireann bho do sheanmhair no do sheanair? But did you pick up Irish Gaelic (Gaeilge) from your granny and grampa?
Thogadh. B’ àbhaist dhuinn a dhol a Dhùn nan Gall a h–uile samhradh. Sin far an robh mi a’ cluinntinn Gàidhlig bhrèagha eile! I did (pick up). We used to go to Donegal every summer. That’s where I heard (the) other beautiful Gaelic!
Mar sin, thogadh tu gu leòr dhi nuair a bha thu òg. Nach tu a bha fortanach air a’ cheann thall! So, you picked up plenty when you were young. Weren’t you lucky after all!